ACFA Régionale de Calgary

The Young Citizens program focuses on citizenship and is a complementary component to Heritage Fairs, an annual event where students present the results of their research on Canadian heroes, legends and key events in Canadian …
The Toronto French Book Fair, the “Salon du Livre de Toronto,” was incorporated in 1993 to organize a four day annual event each December at the Toronto Reference Library. Its mandate is to act as …
Organized jointly by l’Association des auteurs et auteures de l’Outaouais (AAAO) and l’Association des auteures et auteurs de l’Ontario français (AAOF), this literary cruise invites you to let yourself be rocked by a gentle roll …
In March, the St. Laurent Métis community celebrates the end of the ice-fishing season. The Manipogo Festival, named after Lake Manitoba’s famous serpentine monster, celebrates the region’s fishing tradition by giving traditional ice-fishing demonstrations and …