The Prescott and Russell Entrepreneurial Academy

Through coaching, mentoring, training, financial and institutional partnerships, the Prescott and Russell Entrepreneurial Academy, a nonprofit organization, sets its goals on the young entrepreneurs, the immigrant entrepreneurs and the existing entrepreneurs by providing them with the proper necessary tools to set up and kickstart a French business and to ensure a creative and innovative economic growth throughout our rural region.
The Youth Enterprise Camp ( YEP ), is located in Alfred, Ontario provides opportunities for youth throughout Eastern Ontario to attend a week-long or a two-week camp focusing on entrepreneurship. Participants will learn about the requirements for becoming an entrepreneur, finding suppliers and financing, marketing their products and writing a business plan. Youth will meet successful entrepreneurs, shop for their own supplies, and finish off the week by running their business for a day. The learning activities are complemented by a variety of physical and team-building activities to give the participants a rewarding summer camp experience. Camps are fully bilingual and will commence in the year 2017.
• 6-day overnight entrepreneurial camp experience (1 week) 9 year old through 7th grade
• 11-day overnight entrepreneurial camp experience (2 weeks - 110 hours) for 8th grade with High School level accreditation
• 11-day overnight entrepreneurial camp experience (2 weeks - 110 hours) for High School level with accreditation
The Prescott and Russell Entrepreneurial Academy is a non-profit organization that offers the greater benefits of coaching and mentoring to French business, as well as training programs, thus providing support for kick-starting a business and for implementing innovative ideas to existing businesses in the Barrie region year-round.