Cégep de Rimouski

The Cégep de Rimouski offers a program called Tremplin DEC (Diploma of college studies) which is adapted to the needs of students whose knowledge of French is not sufficient to be admitted in a regular program and who wish to:
- Experience a total French immersion experience in a francophone college;
- Improve their French skills in order to succeed in higher education (college or university) *;
- Improve their chances of entering the labor market.
As part of the Tremplin DEC - French Immersion and Integration Program, French upgrading activities are added to the ministerial objectives specific to the Tremplin DEC program:
- Achieve a satisfactory level in French to undertake further study and integrate into Québec society (2 French language courses, language of instruction for non-French speaking students: Communication orale (601-015-50) 90h et Communication écrite (601-016-50) 90h);
- Meet the requirements of reading and writing at the college level (601-013-50 Renforcement en français pour les étudiants non francophones, 60 h).
* The Cégep de Rimouski is the only Cégep in the college system that works in collaboration with a university in such an immersion project. The Université du Québec à Rimouski and the Cégep de Rimouski work together to ensure that students with a low level of French can, through French immersion, improve their French language skills sufficiently to continue their studies.