Conseil jeunesse provincial de la Nouvelle-Écosse

The Conseil jeunesse provincial Nova Scotia (CJP) is a group of young Francophones and Francophiles. It is run BY and FOR Acadian French-speaking youth aged 12 to 25 in Nova Scotia.
The CJP has a double mission:
• They represent and defend the interests of the Acadian Francophone youth in Nova Scotia.
• They provide Acadian and French-speaking youth in Nova Scotia with a space to run activities in French, allowing them to develop their linguistic and cultural pride so that they can flourish in their community.
The CJP represents its members at the provincial, Atlantic and pan-Canadian levels. The CJP also organizes events (Rencontre jeunesse provinciale (RJP), Prends ta place (PTP), CJP dans le bois, etc.) and participates in the events of its partners (Parlement jeunesse pancanadien, Festival jeunesse de l'Acadie, Forum jeunesse pancanadien, Jeux de la francophonie canadienne, etc).