Edu-Canada ( International Education Division of Foreign Affairs )

The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade has a number of different programs which enable young Canadians, primarily between the ages of 18 and 30, to obtain new skills and training to help them compete in the global economy and broaden their exposure to foreign cultures. Edu - Canada is the International Education Division of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFATD). Edu-Canada provides Canadians with opportunities to develop their knowledge of the world and foreigners can learn more about Canada.
Some countries and international organizations offer opportunities for Canadian scholars to further their studies or conduct research abroad.
The site provides details regarding International Education and Scholarships available for Canadians and Non-Canadians to study abroad in addition to a Directory of Canadian Elementary and Secondary Schools outside Canada maintained by the Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials (CICIC). This is a resourceful tool for Canadian parents living abroad and non-Canadian parents interested in a high-quality education for their children.