La Fédération des parents francophones de Colombie-Britannique

La Fédération des parents francophones de Colombie-Britannique works to ensure that families enjoy a family, educational, cultural and community environment that ensures their full development in French.
The mission of the organization is to bring together, represent, support and equip parents in their role as first educators, and to promote their commitment and their participation in the creation of a living and exemplary Francophone environment.
The Federation of Francophone Parents of British Columbia is updating its mission by fulfilling the following mandate:
• Ensure the reception of families and support for parents, while respecting their role as primary educators;
• Gather and support parents and member associations, and foster networking among members;
• Represent the interests of parents and member associations and advocate on their behalf according to their needs;
• Strengthen parents' skills and competencies to maximize their participation at all levels;
• Collaborate, through partnerships, to create a continuum of programs and services for parents and their families from the prenatal period to the post-secondary level. The FPFCB recognizes the needs and contribution of mixed (or exogamous) couples. In this section, you will find information about various resources for families where only one parent speaks French, and about a webinar and a workshop for non-francophone parents.