Languages at Work

Languages at Work is a summer employment program for youth 18 to 30 years of age designed to provide Canadian students with practical summer job experience, a chance to practice and improve their second official language skills (either French or English), and the opportunity to discover a new region of the country.
Managed by La Fédération de la jeunesse canadienne-française, Languages at Work is a joint initiative of the Explore program and Young Canada Works in Both Official Languages.
Designed for Explore bursary recipients, Languages at Work offers them unique opportunities to continue learning their second language in a professional context.
Following the completion of the Explore program, the bursary recipient could have the opportunity to stay in their host region for job placements ranging from 3 to 8 weeks.
- From 16 to 30 years old (high school students aged 16 to 17 can apply for the program with a written permission from their parents);
- Have Canadian citizenship or landed immigrant status;
- Be an Explore bursary recipient ;
- Available to work after the Explore program session;
- Interested in working in your second language.