Learning In Our Neighbourhood (LION) Program

The LION program is a free family program where families with young children are able to connect with community resources and have opportunities to get to know their neighbours. The LION program operates in many newly developed communities in Peel where there are barriers to accessing services for young children age 0-6 years old. The program strives to support neighbours in developing informal support networks in their communities. By attending the LION program, families will have the chance to prepare for their children’s entry to school, increase their knowledge of resources, develop an informal social network and newcomers to Peel will have opportunities to develop their understanding of early childhood within a Canadian context. Of the 15 LION sites, 9 are located in Brampton, 5 are located in Mississauga and 1 in Caledon.
This Free program is now being offered in French at the École secondaire catholique Sainte-Famille in Meadowvale, Mississauga weekly.
For more information and interest in other locations, please email or visit website.