Malicounda drumming workshop and performances!

Malicounda Team Building Drumming Workshops
Malicounda’s mission is to strengthen communication, personal and community integrity, team spirit and collaboration in the world through an interactive team building drumming workshops tailored for all types of audiences.
For over 20 years, Malicounda has touched the lives of thousands of people– children, youth, adults, and elders- through rhythm. The goal is to make people feel good about who they are in this world and create a healing community. Within minutes, drumming goes deep into the soul, generating positives changes and happiness!
Louise Raymond’s personalized approach and the unique, vibrant and engaging options of Malicounda stand out in their originality.
Malincounda offers:
Drum and creative workshops in schools for all ages from Preschool to Universities!
Drumming Workshops & Performances for All Events
The workshops for children and adults can be held in British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Alberta and Manitoba.