National Film Board (NFB)

Founded in May 1939, The National Film Board ( NFB ), a government agency is Canada's public film producer and distributor. NFB is the best Canadian destination for point-of-view documentaries, animation films, interactive projects and Canadian films. Online viewers can watch over 1000 documentaries, animations, trailers and clips for free on their website.
They also provide The NFB Films iPhone app which was called "One of the best apps of 2009" by Apple iTunes and "Best Content app of the year" by The Apple Blog.
Previously available only in Toronto and Montreal, their popular media-making workshops are moving online, where they’ll be more accessible than ever to participants across Canada.
"Virtual classrooms"- An innovative online program, "Virtual Classrooms" engage students in live web discussions featuring influential public figures. The Chris Hadfield Virtual Classroom is one of several such events that has reached thousands of Canadian students.
"Media-production courses for teachers"- NFB is working with educators to develop guides that supports the needs of teachers and the curriculum. Online resources will show how to turn a classroom into a film set, make animated films and documentaries, and master the ins and outs of digital storytelling with students.