OUI 98.5FM, Coopérative Radio-Halifax

OUI 98.5FM, Coopérative Radio-Halifax-Métro limitée is the only Acadian and Francophone community radio station in the Halifax metropolitan area. On the air since October 2007, under the name of CKRH, OUI 98.5FM is a non-profit radio station that facilitates the diffusion of Acadian and Francophone culture by offering a means of communication and a varied programming, while working for the development and the influence of the French language and Francophone cultures.
Additional information, the CRTC's general programming rules stipulate that over one week (126 hours) of programming, there must be:
60% French music
40% Canadian music
80% maximum of pop / rock music
15% minimum of Country music
5% minimum of category 3 music (jazz, classical)