Parents partenaires en éducation

Parents partenaires en éducation (PPE) has been working with parents since 1940. PPE is a provincial organization that acts as an advocate for the parents whose children attend French language schools in Ontario.
PPE is managed by an elected board, consisting of twelve parents; each representing one of the twelve francophone school boards, both Catholic and Public, as well as a chair. Through partnership, Parents partenaires en éducation is committed to inform, sensitize and equip parents to reaffirm their role as primary educator.
PPE mandate is to :
Work closely in collaboration with our partners in education
Equip parents in their role of partner in education
Be the representative provincial voice of the parents
Through a network of parents and partners, PPE is a source of reliable information and provides opportunities for exchange and learning for parents – via the conversation program, meetings, annual conference as well as practical tools, a monthly neswletter and a rich Website.