Radio station CFRG 93.1 FM

CFRG 93.1 FM belongs to the ACFG (Association communautaire fransaskoise de Gravelbourg), it is a community radio station located at the Maillard Cultural Center on 5th Avenue East, in Gravelbourg. One of CFRG FM's objectives is not only to continue to serve the community of Gravelbourg but also, through the Internet, to become a provincial community radio, a grassroots community voice, truly Francophone.
The radio station broadcasts Francophone music and information to ensure the existence of the Francophone language and culture in Saskatchewan. The radio broadcasts a program entitled Voix nouvelle radiophoniques, consisting of a series of radio-novels written by students of the Monseigneur de Laval school. The project is an achievement of Éditions de la Nouvelle Plume, to which CFRG comes in collaboration with the financial support of Canadian Heritage. The Radio Station set up the Jeunesse FM project to bring Radio Station to school and school to the Radio Station.