Royal Military College of Canada (RMCC)

The mission of the Royal Military College of Canada ( RMCC ) is to produce officers with the mental, physical and linguistic capabilities and the ethical foundation required to lead with distinction in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). To accomplish this mission, RMCC delivers undergraduate academic programmes, together with a range of complementary programmes. These programmes are offered in both official languages. As Canada’s military university, RMCC also provides undergraduate and post-graduate programmes, and professional development education, both on campus and at a distance, to meet the needs of other members of the CAF and the Department of National Defence (DND). As a national institution, RMCC endeavours to share its knowledge with civilians with interest in defence issues. RMCC encourages research appropriate to a modern university and seeks out research opportunities that support the profession of arms.
The RMC of Canada is open for admission to:
- Canadians desiring to embark on rewarding and challenging career as an officer in the CAF.
- all members of the Canadian Armed Forces and their spouses, and to
- employees of the Federal Government of Canada.
The RMC of Canada offers a number of undergraduate and graduate programmes designed to provide current and future members of the CAF meaningful and appropriate academic credentials to serve effectively in the CAF. The RMC of Canada is located in Kingston, ON.