The Association des Francophones du Nunavut

The Association des Francophones du Nunavut was founded more than 35 years ago. The AFN is the result of cohorts and individuals who have succeeded in the realization of a vision, of a strong and dynamic Francophonie in Nunavut.
Today, with its multi-functional community center, its daily newspaper, its radio station, but above all, thanks to the unwavering support of countless volunteers, the AFN is a meeting point and a cultural center of the life in French in Nunavut. Evolving from a community as rich and distinct, the AFN leads the Table de concertation of Franco-Nunavut organizations. This Table, which brings together the presidencies and branches of all Francophone organizations in Nunavut, is part of a desire to ensure the cohesion and collaboration of organizations serving the Francophone population of Nunavut.