The Mi-Carême Centre

The Mi-Carême Centre promotes the rich tradition of the Mi-Carême fête that has been celebrated in the local Acadian area for centuries. The Interpretive Centre, located on the picturesque Grand Étang Harbour, features stunning displays, gives an historical overview and offers a variety of monthly events. Visitors learn about this mid-lent celebration, featuring masks, music and dance, through interactive exhibits.
Children's Cultural Camp
For children ages 6 to 13
Children will experience the many aspects of the varied cultures of Cape Breton in the one week camp, such as:
• Mask painting
• Fudge making
• Beach combing
• Nature walks & much more!
School Program
For your end of year trip, you can go to at Le Centre de la Mi-Carême in Grand Étang. Learn about Acadian culture and the history of the Mi-Carême tradition. 3 different activities are offered:
• Interpretive Centre
• Interpretive Centre and Fudge Demonstration
• Interpretive Centre, Fudge Demonstration and Mask Painting.