Université de Sherbrooke

The Université de Sherbrooke is a French-speaking, large university in Quebec with campuses located in Sherbrooke and Longueuil, a suburb of Montreal west of Sherbrooke. It is one of two universities, and the only French language university, in the Estrie region of Quebec. The university has over 100,000 graduates and offers 46 undergraduate, 48 Master's and 27 doctoral programs.
As part of the activities provided within the Sherbrooke University Pole, the Université de Sherbrooke offers international students introductory and advanced language programs designed to facilitate student integration into existing programs. Furthermore, the language courses are available to all Université de Sherbrooke students in order to foster participation in exchange programs and study tours outside Quebec. Programs offered by the Language School are also open to anyone needing to learn French quickly.
The Université de Sherbrooke also has a Language Centre. The objectives of the Language Centre are twofold: to offer a wide range of intercultural and linguistic education to the academic community and to help international students in their integration process.
The Language Centre offers the following services:
- Undergraduate second-language micro-program
- Certificate in modern languages
- French courses for non speakers
The École d'été de français ( ÉÉF ) is a French immersion program offered by the Université de Sherbrooke. This 5-week intensive French immersion program is offered during the summer in the month of July.