Canadian Parents for French-Saskatchewan

Canadian Parents for French (CPF) is a national network of volunteers which values French as an integral part of Canada and is dedicated to the promotion and creation of French-second-language learning opportunities for young Canadians.
CPF (Saskatchewan) was incorporated in 1980 and is one of 10 provincial or territorial branches of CPF, a growing 25,000 member-strong national organization. In Saskatchewan we have chapters in 12 communities and contacts in several others. Families, individuals and organizations throughout the province make up our membership.
CPF (Saskatchewan) is a non-profit, charitable organization with a volunteer Board of Directors. Each of our chapters also has its own volunteer Board. Our permanent staff supports all our members and volunteers by providing information and resources as well as by organizing youth programs and events.
The Canadian Parents for French (Saskatchewan) website is a great resource for a variety of useful information and resources to support all Canadians including parents, educators and students. Visit the website for information regarding research, tools, programs and tutors.