


899 results found

Kayak Kids' Illustrated History Challenge

Start writing your exciting Canadian History tale and you could be on your way to Ottawa for the Governor General’s History Awards. The award is open to Canadian kids between the ages of 7 and …

Metropolis bleu

The Blue Metropolis Foundation consists of three main parts: the Festival (adult as well as Children’s), Educational Programs, and the International Literary Series. The Foundation’s goal is to be an important cultural and social institution …

Young Citizens

The Young Citizens program focuses on citizenship and is a complementary component to Heritage Fairs, an annual event where students present the results of their research on Canadian heroes, legends and key events in Canadian …

Sugar Beach Sugar Shack

The sugar shack, an authentic part of the winter-spring transition in Quebec, is setting up shop for a free event in Toronto open to anyone who loves maple syrup. Launched by Waterfront Toronto, the Sugar …

Toronto Bastille Day

Toronto Bastille Day is a festival organized by the French community in Toronto and coordinated by the Consulate General of France. Commemorating the taking of the Bastille on July 14th, 1789, and the Fête de la …

Government of Canada History Awards

The Government of Canada History Awards were officially announced in June 2013. Their goal is connect youth to their history by honouring outstanding students and teachers who show an interest in celebrating Canadian history. The …

Journée des Maths

Journée des Maths is the largest  francophone mathematical online contest throughout North America. In Quebec, the competition is open to students from the 3rd year of elementary school to the 4th year of secondary school. …

Franc'Open Mic

Franc’ Open Mic is the first francophone open stage in Toronto for all artists, from beginners to professionals, who wish to speak in French whatever their experience and discipline (such as music, song, theatre, comedy, improvisation, storytelling, …

Carrefour francophone de Sudbury

Carrefour francophone de Sudbury is a French language cultural community centre located in Greater Sudbury for Francophones. Carrefour francophone de Sudbury has an artistic and cultural mandate to provide social and educational services such as arts and …

Office of Francophone Affairs - Ontario

Created under the French Language Services Act, the Office of Francophone Affairs works together with the ministries to ensure that the Act is applied through the assistance of French Language Service Coordinators. This ensures that …

Centre francophone de Toronto

The Centre francophone de Toronto is a non-profit organization that serves Francophones who live or plan to settle in Toronto. The Centre helps promote the well-being of the Francophone community, and has developed a community-based …

Centre Francophone Hamilton

Centre Francophone Hamilton enables you to meet people, socialize, have fun, and share the French language and culture with Francophones and Francophiles of Hamilton. Activities are designed for all lovers of the French language, irrespective …