FrancoFolies de Montréal

The Francofolies de Montréal festival exists since 1989, it is a huge music festival that lasts 9 days! Every year around mid-June, the Francos inaugurate the summer and take you on a journey through the eclectic world of Francophone artists from everywhere.
Hip-hop, song, rock, pop, folk, electro; the Francos make French music shine in all its diversity! The shows are taking place inside different theatres and there is a lot happening outdoors. It's the largest Francophone musical gathering in the world!
Set in the downtown core of North America’s biggest French-speaking city, downtown Montréal, FrancoFolies de Montréal at Quartier des is accessible by foot, automobile, taxi or public transit. With nearly 70 indoor shows and 180 free outdoor concerts attest to the effervescent quality, diversity and energy of a music-rich, fun-filled program! Featuring a wide array of musical trends, showcased through 250 concerts, with over 1000 songwriters, composers, musicians and vocalists from 13 countries, and 3 free outdoor shows… and millions of little thrills along the way. The event is held annually in the summer in the month of June at Quartier des Spectacles, Montreal.
Francofolies promotes French-speaking music by spreading it and gathering artists from all over the French-speaking world. Have fun during those days!