Franc’Open Mic

Franc’ Open Mic is the first francophone open stage in Toronto for all artists, from beginners to professionals, who wish to speak in French whatever their experience and discipline (such as music, song, theatre, comedy, improvisation, storytelling, etc ...). Franc’Open Mic was created to offer a place for people to share and enjoy the French language together.
If you do not speak French, it is no problem! There is no need to speak French fluently to enjoy its beauty. Many non fluent French speaking artists perform at Franc’Open Mic on stage.
Venue: Location in Toronto varies. Visit their Facebook Page for details.
Admission price: Free, no cover.
Rules: Artists get 2 songs OR 10 minutes maximum.Using French is the only condition!
Franc’Open Mic is organised by Florian Francis and Cyril Mignotet, two lovers of the French language.