French for Life

French for Life (FFL) is facilitated by Canadian Parents for French- MB (CPF-MB), in partnership with l'Association manitobaine des directrices et directeurs des écoles d'immersion française (AMDI).
The project serves to promote French-Second-Language (FSL) education in general and has a focus on the benefits of the French Immersion program and Basic French options.
FFL targets those groups which do not have French as a first language but can however significantly impact on the continuance and expansion of the use and appreciation of the French language and culture within the province of Manitoba. The project assists by addressing the need to:
- Increase the visibility of FSL programs
- Increase enrollment and encourage retention in FSL programs
- Provide teachers with the necessary tools to offer and supply effective and challenging FSL programs
- Encourage students to continue their studies in French at the post-secondary level