


Jeunes de jadis du Village Québécois d’Antan

Les Jeunes de jadis is a unique French Historical Overnight Camp for boys and girls in Quebec where children discover the past in a fun way. Wearing period costume, young people experience the daily life of our ancestors. Under the supervision of instructors, more than 30 new workshops are available each year.

Children are introduced to various traditional techniques such as candle making, forging iron, embroidery, wool spinning and printing on old presses. Moreover, they bring home everything that they have made during the workshops. They also become familiar with the farmyard animals, and learn to identify and use the edible flowers in our gardens. All of this without forgetting singing, folk dancing, old-fashioned meals or sports activities of the nineteenth century. During hot summer days, the campers go to the incredible Parc de jeux d’eau La Bassine. Les Jeunes de jadis is certified by l’Association des camps du Québec.
Where: Drummondville, QC
When: June – August
Ages: 7 – 16 years old

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1425, rue Montplaisir

Drummondville, Quebec  J2C 0M2

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