Oakville Galleries

Oakville Galleries is a forum for engaging people with the questions that shape us as individuals, communities and cultures. In all aspects of its operations, the Galleries draws on contemporary art to facilitate reflection and discovery in unexpected and stimulating ways. The Galleries reaches communities in Oakville, and wider audiences regionally, nationally and internationally. Oakville Galleries' offers one-of-a-kind art making experiences, interactive tours of the Galleries' exhibitions, and outdoor recreation activities.
Designed for children age 6+ with a basic to intermediate understanding of French, "Camps for French Learners" is a great way to strengthen your child's French communication skills. Taught in French by an artist from Oakville Galleries, the program combine art activities and language lessons for a dynamic hands-on learning experience. The art summer camp is organized in partnership with Alliance Française de Toronto.
Oakville Galleries delivers a wide variety of high-quality art programs to provide children with a series of multidisciplinary and hands-on learning activities “en français”. Their diverse programs offer one-of-a-kind art making experiences, interactive tours of the Galleries' exhibitions, and outdoor recreation activities at their unique site at Gairloch Gardens on the shore of Lake Ontario.
Field Trips
Oakville Galleries is your local contemporary art museum, committed to making art accessible to students through a range of innovative educational programs that foster creativity, art appreciation and critical thinking skills. Their programs offer students opportunities to look at, discuss and make works of art in a space where they are encouraged to experiment with ideas and materials. Inspired by a range of contemporary art practices, their school programs promote dynamic learning through interdisciplinary activities: programs combine Visual and Media Arts curriculum with strands from with strands from Science, English, and Canadian and World Studies.
Second location of the Oakville Gallery is located at:
Centennial Square
120 Navy Street
Oakville, ON L6J 2Z4