


Fédération de la jeunesse franco-ontarienne (FESFO)

The Federation of Francophone youth (FESFO) was created in 1975 by young people who wanted to "ensure that the Franco-Ontarian youth participate fully in the development of his community."

FESFO is the representation of young francophones who attend one of the 97 francophone high schools in Ontario. Led by the Council representative, a provincial youth council elected at its Annual General Meeting, FESFO informs, educates and mobilizes thousands of young people so that their voices and needs are heard from different makers.

The  FESFO community is recognized and used by the Ministry of Education of Ontario, the Canadian Association for the United Nations, Canadian Heritage and the Ontario Trillium Foundation.



FESFO offers an Entrepreneurial Youth Summer Camp which is an excellent opportunity for young adults to discover their sense of leadership.  Camps are offered in the Greater Toronto Area and Ottawa Region and is suitable for high school students. It is a one-week course on entrepreneurship and participants of this course will have the opportunity to:

  • Develop your sense of entrepreneurial leadership;
  • Learn about business development;
  • Meet other young francophone's interested in entrepreneurship
  • Develop a social enterprise with other young people in your area.

They offer multiple programs and courses for youth with several activities. It is their aim to support the Franco-Ontarian identity and fight assimilation while equipping young leaders from all over Ontario.

Among the most popular programs they offer is the Franco-Ontarian Leadership Training Course. Activities of interest  are: Forums: "Your region, your impact!" and "Franco-Ontarian Games".

Special Events

FESFO organizes an average of seven major events annually. They also offer several support services to events planned by other organisations which can help in alleviating the task of organizing activities. Events include: Jeux franco-ontariens,  Parlement jeunesse francophone de l’Ontario and more!


FESFO offers multiple workshops, presentations and training sessions in secondary schools throughout Ontario each year. Topics include: arts, fundraising, school spirit, leadership skills, music and more.

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Grade 7 - Grade 12
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