


83 results found
Francophone Centres

Jeunesse Franco-Yukon

The Comité Espoir Jeunesse, now Jeunesse Franco-Yukon (JeFY) was formed in 1995 by a group of young Francophones who wanted to get involved in the development of the community. The same enthusiasm can still be …

L'Association régionale de la côte Ouest (ARCO)

The West Coast Regional Association is the largest Francophone organization in the region. ARCO organizes cultural activities in French for residents of the Port-au-Port Peninsula. ARCO brings together three local Francophone associations: Chez les Français …

Association Francophone du Labrador

The mission of the Association Francophone du Labrador is to foster the vitality of the Francophone community. Through different actions,the association is promoting French culture and language as well as bilingualism in the Western Labrador …

Franco-Jeunes de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador

Franco-Jeunes de Newfoundland and Labrador’s mission is to offer stimulating and enriching experiences to the province’s French-speaking youth. Every year, Franco-Jeunes takes part in many events across Canada to enable Francophones and Francophiles who are …

The Sainte-Anne Community Center

The Sainte-Anne Community Center (CCSA) has been in existence for 40 years and is a central place for the Francophone culture in Fredericton. It offers a variety of cultural and community programming including shows for …

The Association communautaire francophone de St-Jean

The Association communautaire francophone de St-Jean (ACFSJ) is a not-for-profit corporation whose mission is to “inspire and support the development and action of the francophone community in St. John’s by means of the Centre scolaire …

Association fransaskoise de Zenon Park

The mission of the Association fransaskoise de Zenon Park Inc. (AFZP) is to assure the vitality of the French language and culture and to promote its development in the Region of Zenon Park. The association …

French-Canadian Society of Prince Albert

The mission of the French-Canadian Society of Prince Albert is to make the French language accessible and to highlight French-Canadian culture, to bring together Prince Albert and area’s Francophones and Francophiles, and to promote Francophone …

Centre francophone BDS Inc.

The Centre francophone BDS, (CFBDS) is a non-profit organization working towards the development and vitality of Francophones in the communities of Bellevue, Domremy and St. Louis. The CFBDS organizes cultural activities and celebrations such as: …