Fransaskois Youth Association

"Fransaskois Youth Association", or AJF, is a non-profit organization devoted to francophone youth across the province. Our organization produces a number of French activities every year for youth between the ages of 12 and 25. The best part is that becoming a member is free! At AJF, the goal is to provide a chance for all francophone youth to live and develop their French culture through a variety of sport, culture and leadership-building activities right here in Saskatchewan. L’AJF survives thanks to passionate young people who like to have fun but also and get involved to contribute to their community.
The association offers six different workshops. Schools can invite them to run one or more of these workshops:
• 1, 2, 3 ... Sports!
• Lead the games!
• Be involved!
• Free your imagination
• Orchestrate your sound!
•Dance your life!
The association is setting up an annual event called Francofièvre. Approximately 1300 high school students from the Conseil des Écoles Fransaskoise and immersion schools in the province are together to live a day rich in music, entertainment and discovery. Francofièvre is a unique opportunity to celebrate Francophone culture !